Music with Meaning


Peace in the Middle East between Israel and the Palestinians has been an elusive challenge for decades. Now, as war rages on between Israel and Hamas, this goal appears to be even more remote. Yet I believe fervently that Israel’s long-term survival is tied to Palestinian statehood, which I steadfastly support. I believe people on both sides share a desire for peace, even if rage is winning the day over reason right now and their respective leaders do not have to will to make it happen. But they must.
I have written a song that captures my optimistic (maybe naïve?) hope that these two sides will join hands in an effort to create peace – after the dust has settled, emotions cool off, and new leaders are in place. Both sides need each other, and perhaps an anthem such as this might help provide some inspiration.
A special thanks to Kevin Fisher, who sang and produced the song, and Ken Kimmel, Kate Danaher Parks, and Susan Simms for their helpful input and feedback along the way.
(feat. Kevin Fisher)
©2024 Music & Words by Ron Ovadia
Vocals: Kevin Fisher
Produced by: Kevin Fisher & Ron Ovadia
Piano: Kevin Fisher
Recording, Mixing & Mastering: Kevin Fisher
Cover Art: Grant Maloy Smith
So many years of tears and strife
Is this any way to live a life?
Two sides with their fists held high
Blinded by an eye for an eye
Both have dreams and families
Everyone needs security
Looking for peace, you know where to start
All the hopes they share in their heart
Hand in hand
Hand in hand
It’s time to share this land
Hand in hand
Hand in hand
Every woman and child and every man
Side by side, living peacefully
Hand in hand
A lot of good people have been trying
To end all the suffering and dying
So many chances have slipped away
Feels like the wounds are here to stay
Can’t keep living with anger and fear
Or they’ll keep fighting year after year
Got to begin to accept each other
And finally learn they need one another
Hand in hand
Hand in hand
It’s time to share this land
Hand in hand
Hand in hand
Every woman and child and every man
It only works if everyone’s free
With dignity
Hand in hand
The only way for people to thrive
Is to keep their dreams alive
Look at the children with hope in their eyes
Not knowing where their future lies
Hand in hand
Hand in hand
Time to share this land
Hand in hand
Hand in hand
Every woman and child and every man
Time for peace, it just can’t wait
Before it’s too late
Hand in hand
Two people, one chance, no time!