Music with Meaning

by Ron Ovadia [featuring Marky Lennon and Teresa James]
In Honor of Our Upcoming Presidential Election, November 5, 2024
In the run-up to the 2024 presidential election, the consequences couldn't be greater—the choice of unity versus divisiveness and moving forward versus taking us backward. We are a great nation—and even greater working together toward the shared goal of creating a more civil, respectful society.
Please visit Ron on YouTube and subscribe to his channel, so that you'll never miss a video.
It's Never Too Late
The latest song from Ron, this reflects the desire to awaken passions to help give your life a renewed purpose and meaning.
Listen to the Song…
Music with Meaning
Check out Ron's videos, including "Heroes of the Front Line," celebrating the first responders and essential workers who selflessly serve the greater good.
Finding My Way Back Home
This song focuses on finding a place where you feel at one, be it a physical home or a place of inner peace.
More of Ron's Songs
Hear even more of Ron's inspiring songs, written in a variety of genres, some with other writers. Great works heard by music lovers from all around the world.
He's an Author, too?
When Ron isn’t writing songs, he’s writing children’s books. Check them out!
"I hope I sound as good in my songs as my web designer, Grant Maloy Smith, has made me look on my website."
~Ron O.